Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Ok, wow, oh my goodness. It's been almost 24 hours since the launch of the Viola meets Mooresburg Kickstarter campaign and I've spent almost the entire time watching my computer screen with my jaw on the floor. Literally.

I've always been aware of the fact that I know some pretty amazing knitters (and I don't take it for granted either), and felt so lucky for the encouragement and support that has always been there. But wow you guys. Just wow! As I am slowly emerging from my state of 'gobsmacked-ness' I am at last able to say the most heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported the campaign so far, everyone who shared it, everyone who even looked at it. I never dreamed that my goal would be surpassed in mere hours, and beyond that, that it would be more than doubled in less than 24 hours. Gobsmacked, I say!

So, to all of you unbelievably kind and generous friends out there, THANK YOU. I cannot wait to get to work putting your generously donated money to the best possible use! Without a doubt, this new studio will be growing into the most ideal workplace. I know I kept going on about being excited before, but this is something else!

This is the lovely view from the front window of the store. I took it this past weekend, whilst pondering last minute Kickstarter adjustments and details. Pretty, huh?

I'm off to get to work on some reward-related things, the knitting that I couldn't manage to pick up yesterday because I was way too excited to focus and a cup of coffee...


  1. I don't recall ever having such a satisfying feeling supporting any project as much as I have supporting yours. As one who has been gobsmacked by your yarn ever since I learned of it and received some of it, it is high time I could give something back to you, and was overjoyed at the chance to support your Kickstarter which is evident through and through how important it is to you. I feel like anyone who supported you whether with funds or even a positive thought, is helping to nurture a beloved artist with miraculous ideas and skills. The world is brighter for you in it, Emily, and Moorseburg and the rest of us cannot thank you enough!

  2. I'm with Andrea. Just looking at your photographs (really, really want your sock pattern btw, if only to have my own ubiquitous socks draping as elegantly as yours do) and drawings, never mind admiring or working with your yarn, has given me SO many positive feelings over the years. How could we not want to help out somebody with as much talent as you have??
